• Russia Flower Bouquet #29

The touching and pure beauty of this bouquet is created by white chrysanthemums which look like the tenderest field flower - a camomile. The fragile white flowers are associated with happiness and kindness, thanks to those charming flowers, you can express your best feelings to your close person or declare your love to your beloved one.

Composition: Daisy poms Santini white - 9, Daisy poms - 4, Pistachio (1 pc.), Sisal, Tape

When you order bouquets, they will be produced as closely as possible to the picture. Please remember that each bouquet is hand made. So no two arrangements are exactly alike and color and/or variety substitutions of flowers and containers may be necessary depending upon availability and season.

Russia Flower Bouquet #29

  • Product Code: FR029
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $79.26

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